Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Upper Back

Overlooked and Undertreated
Dr. Nicholas Studholme, DC, CCSP, CCEP, FAFS

To say one area of the spine is more important than another would be unfair to the rest of the spine; however, it is clear that when we closely inspect the thoracic spine, it is profoundly different than the cervical or lumbar spine. It typically has twelve segments, many more than the other spinal regions, and it has a ribcage attached to it, providing significant stability and support. It also is located between the cervical and lumbar regions so any bottom‐up or top‐down movements will be forced to go through the thoracic spine.

One of the most important principles of Applied Functional Science (AFS) is gravity, and in our daily lives, the thoracic spine is constantly fighting this tremendous force. Generally, all daily movements require that we have our hands pronated, thereby constantly shortening our pecs and lats, and also create a stretch and inhibition of our scapular stabilizers (traps, rhomboids, serrratus anterior, etc.). As a result, we tend to hunch forward and yet because we have to see the horizon, we look up, thus creating anterior head carriage. This can result in significant sub‐occipital and cerico‐thoracic pain as these areas are now taking on excessive load to compensate for the rounded thoracic spine.

If we understand the mechanics of the thoracic spine, then we can use the principles of AFS to assist our patients in creating meaningful, sustainable changes. First, we must understand coupled motion, which requires nothing more than the knowledge that any movement of the spine in one plane is normally accompanied by a compatible spinal movement in another plane. A common example used is that spinal lateral flexion is always accompanied by spinal rotation. In other words, two types of motions are "coupled" together. Type 2 Motion is defined by the joints rotating and laterally flexing the same direction; Type 1 Motion is defined by the joints rotating and laterally flexing in opposite directions). The thoracic spine tends to exhibit Type 2 Motion from T1‐T5 and Type 1 from T6‐T‐12. It is theorized that when a spinal section (or an individual vertebral segment) moves in two directions that are not the expected coupled movements, then this is considered to be uncoupled mechanics. Uncoupled mechanics in spinal sections or in a vertebral segment can lead to abnormal ranges of motion, recurrent joint dysfunction, joint degeneration, inflammation, and pain.

However, when we look at many athletic endeavors, we realize that both coupled and uncoupled motions occur all the time. Therefore, we need to assess, mobilize, and train our patients and clients to be successful in all motions to avoid injury and enhance performance. When treating the thoracic spine, I always use the AFS principle of starting with success and building on success. For a majority of thoracic spine conditions, success is typically that our patients have great movement into flexion and dysfunctional extension. If we understand that all movements are three‐dimensional and understand the concept of relative joint motion, then we can create a strategy that drives motion that encourages flexion with side bending and rotation, and as we return from flexion to our starting position, we remarkably are creating thoracic joint extension. Again, keeping the patient in a successful movement pattern allows for chasing the endgame of better extension.

A great case example is the nursing mother patient who presents significant neck and upper thoracic and rib pain, who has to constantly hold her newborn, and who additionally has an increase in breast tissue due to nursing. This patient is permanently in an anterior head carriage neck position, has rounded shoulders, and has a more anterior center of mass. What this patient does not know is that her pain is rarely due to the neck and more often due to the thoracic spine. A typical progression in my office is to manually work tissue, then mobilize through adjustment(s) and Functional Manual Reaction (FMR), and to stabilize with matrices (three‐dimensional, logical movement patterns). For this example, I would use manual adjustments, combined with FMR in Type 1 Motion and Type 2 Motion of the thoracic spine with the pelvis in and out of synch with relationship to the shoulders (in the TrueStretch™). This would then be followed by the patient performing anterior lunges (beginning with both arms extended in front of his/her body at shoulder height) and reaching both hands in front of the lunging knee (or even in front of the lunging foot at ground height). This drives flexion of the thoracic spine as the patient lunges and creates extension of the thoracic spine as the patient returns from the lunge. If this is successful, we then go to three‐dimensional waist to shoulder dumbbell press, and then to a three‐dimensional shoulder to overhead press. Finally, if we are having success, we will ultimately finish with a Thoracic Spine Matrix.

Please review FMR of the Thoracic Spine (Functional Video Digest Series v3.10) and Thoracic Spine (Functional Video Digest Series v1.8) for more specifics pertaining to Dr. Studholme’s explanation of treatment.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Functional Flexibility

Lenny Parracino PT, FAFS

Whether training for golf, football, baseball, or any sport, most athletes realize the benefits from a strength training program, yet rarely recognize the importance of a flexibility program. Flexibility is the foundation of what we do! In fact, without flexibility the body will not exhibit optimal levels of power, strength, cardiovascular fitness, or muscle endurance. Flexibility is the cornerstone of rehab, performance, and preventing injuries. However, flexibility programs seem to be less popular, most likely for a variety of reasons – one being research shows mixed reviews which often leads to confusion.1 When reviewing the principles (or lack thereof) behind most research it is easy to understand why the mixed reviews exist. As professionals, it is important that our decisions on what technique to choose be determined by a principle-based approach that is specific to each person’s intended need, not an arbitrarily designed guideline. To assist in determining what technique to choose, we will first explore three primary principles that should be considered, followed by a strategy to assess and address your patient’s / client’s functional flexibility.

Three Primary Principles of Functional Flexibility:

1. Individual and Task Dependent
2. Three-Dimensional
3. Mobility / Stability System

Functional flexibility is flexibility that allows us to function better. It allows one to perform tasks optimally and efficiently.2 The exact function is individual and taskdependent. 3 Therefore, general stretching techniques designed for muscle origininsertion will not provide us with an optimal functional outcome. Instead, the practitioner must appreciate the function of the muscles during the task. In other words, what a muscle does is task driven not textbook driven. This doesn’t make the textbook authors wrong, their right relative to the position, motion in which they concluded function at that time. When the body changes angles, positions, etc., its function changes; this is why for flexibility to be functional the techniques must look like the intended function. Therefore, we need to understand how the muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joint capsules, and joints are moving three-dimensionally during the exact task; not only how much motion but also how well. This is the principle of mobility-stability, the right amount of motion with the right amount of stability in all three planes specific to the individual (not textbook) and intended task (all tasks require different levels of motion-stability).

To help simplify this complexity, we would like to share a practical strategy applying our three principles. This strategy can be used practically during your next assessment / evaluation…

First and foremost, understand each unique individual and task. Once you understand the individual’s current condition, limitations, concerns, and what they want to do, assess the intended task with as much authentic function as possible. The key is in understanding what they want / need to do and what they currently can do successfully. From here build a strategy to lead them in the right direction as quickly and safely as possible. For example, start with level one and only move to level two and three as needed per individual, per task.

Level One: Task specific. Assess the ability to perform the exact task. For example, walking, lunging, squatting, pivoting, stepping, reaching, running, balancing, picking up a specific object, sitting while reaching with right hand, etc. If this produces pain, discomfort, and/or lack of confidence, create authentic support to assist in the task. For example, one may reach forward at knee height from a split standing stance and feel low back stress. What if you changed the height of the reach to waist height? Same discomfort or less? If less, is it the back or the hips inability to allow the back to be successful from the range first assessed? Become a detective by changing body angles, positions, heights, drivers, ranges, etc. before leaving the intended task. Figure out a way to gain success in what they want/need to do. If this fails, progress to level two (although level two will look like level one).

Level Two: Task with outside support. Subtly add outside support or points of stability to the intended function. Using our example, simply add outside support such as in a True Stretch or a doorway. The outside support will allow you to position your patient / client in a specific range or zone to then apply authentic drivers. As their driving motion, use your palpation skills to assess the entire chain reaction searching for the “weak-link.” This is the application of the motion-stability principle. Then the body perceives stability it will exhibit mobility, providing it’s there. If one suspects the mobility is not there and desires to assess structural tissue texture, tension level three can provide information regarding the suspected structure (not exact function).

Level Three: Structure specific. Provides an environment for a structural assessment such as a plinth or table. This deviation from the exact functional task must be understood as a deviation and the results then correlated and integrated back into function, if function is the desired outcome.

Traditionally many techniques have been taught to start from the symptom or structural tightness to level three eventually getting to level one. In this paradigm shift, we allow the exact function to dictate how far away from function and into isolated structure we go. This strategy saves time but most importantly gives hope to your patient / client – function feeds function. Although function is complex due to its always changing nature, we can simplify function by simply following function. Use what your patient / client is saying, what they have experienced, and how they are moving as your guide to improving their wellbeing. When we apply the principles of Applied Functional Science (convergence of physical, biological, and behavioral science), flexibility takes on a new meaning. Functional flexibility recognizes the individual as a whole. Once you understand the dynamics of the whole, you derive, at least in principle, the properties and patterns of interactions of the parts.

1 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2003) 7(1),1

2 Gray G: Functional Video Digest. Functional Flexibility Enhancing Life. V2.11

3 Gray G: Fast Function. Flexibility, Mobility. 2006